Shipping is priced high for this item as overseas countries require a customs form for my items. Please note this is out of my hands but the most you will pay for postage is $21. So if you order multiple pins, magnets or postcard prints, postage will never be higher than $21.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting our Australian, Catholic small business. Please note that if ordering from overseas my orders could take 3-6 weeks to arrive. Occasionally some arrive within 10 days! Express shipping can be arranged if need. Please order early if you need your items to arrive in time for a special date!
Direct message me to ask about wholesale prices or discounts for most of my products! Wholesale orders must be placed from my website
Check out my website for discounts on some items. I encourage orders from my website as there are no fees for me.
Follow my Instagram page for updates or to find some more unique ideas as to where you can place your Catholic stickers! Catholic_artisan
Great product with a solid magnet