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“True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.” St. Francis of Assisi

Here are some recent pics of our workshop! This is a little old red train carriage that we found for sale in an old junk yard. At the time we didn’t know what we were going to do with it but we both agreed (for once) that it was super cool and we needed it. We thought perhaps we could turn it into a tiny home/airbnb but as time went on and our plans in life changed -now it is the future home of our home business Catholic Artisan!

Lachie and the kids have been working so hard at this project and boy is it looking nice. 

I. CANNOT. WAIT. to move our gear in and get started on this🤗

 We’re keeping the beautiful galvanised ceiling but putting skylights in. Walls have been painted white and the floor boards are all polished. Lights are 90% in, air con and windows (custom made by Lachie) all in and I have an awesome, AWESOME front door. Lachie is presently putting in the back door and a hallway to the back shedding (two more train carriages-not as pretty as this one). He has more flooring on the way and we have plans to sand blast the rust off the ceilings and paint them black. Once the shedding is complete we will be unpacking our screen printing equipment 💃🏼YAY!

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